Do Camlock couplings leak? How to seal Camlock couplings?

Main image for the article about Camlock couplings sealing

Camlock couplings are designed to provide a secure connection between hoses and pipes, but to what extent is it safe? Can it leak? In this article, we have a closer look at the construction of Camlock couplings and the many different factors that cause them to leak.

Do Camlock couplings leak?

Camlock couplings do not leak if they are properly sized and installed. However, there are many factors that can affect the quality of the connection and cause leaks.

Which causes of leaks in Camlock couplings?

The most common causes of leaks in Camlock couplings are:

  • pressure too high, 
  • temperature too high, 
  • wrong material,
  • exceeding the maximum torque.

Pressure too high

Different camlock couplings have individual recommendations for the maximum pressure when transporting a particular medium. Therefore, familiarise yourself with the specifications and follow them. Operating at too high a pressure can damage the coupling, resulting in leaks.

Temperature too high

Camlock couplings’ manufacturer has also made recommendations on the maximum operating temperature. If it is too high, there is a high risk that it will damage the seal present in the coupling. This will also lead to leaks.

Therefore, make sure you choose the right Camlock seal material for the temperature of the medium to be transported.

Wrong material

You can buy Camlock couplings in several materials e.g. stainless steel, aluminium, polypropylene, but not all are suitable for transporting every medium. For example: chemicals or liquids with extreme temperatures require special materials.

A poor choice of coupling in this respect can lead to damage and leakage.

Exceeding the maximum torque

When you install Camlock couplings, make sure that you do not exceed the maximum torque when tightening. The couplings are designed in such a way that you do not need any tools to install them (not counting a screwdriver to tighten the clamp in the case of hose mounting).

Therefore, if you use additional equipment, there is a risk that you will use too much torque and end up damaging the system. This situation can also result in a leak.

How to seal Camlock couplings?

To seal the Camlock couplings, place a suitable seal in the female part (socket) and then use the handles to clamp the male part (plug) inside. We explain the whole process step by step below:

  1. Choose the right size and material for the seal. 
  2. Insert the seal into the female coupling, then make sure it is a good fit and has no cracks or cavities. 
  3. Tighten the socket lugs to close and seal the connection. 
  4. Tighten the socket lugs to close and seal the connection. 
  5. Start the flow and check for leakage. If all is fine, the coupling provides a tight seal.

How to prevent leaks at Camlock couplings?

To prevent leaks at Camlock couplings, make sure they are in good condition. With a solid maintenance schedule, you can easily detect if any component is incorrectly installed or worn out (both situations lead to leaks).

Camlock couplings have moving parts that are subject to wear and tear. Therefore, check them regularly and replace them if necessary.

From what materials are Camlock coupling seals made?

As standard, the seals of Camlock couplings are made of materials such as NBR or EPDM. However, you will also find several other varieties of seals on the market, so that you can choose the right solution for your medium if required.

Specialised materials available include:

  • FKM (Viton) - Suitable for oils, fuels, water and many chemicals.
  • CSM (Hypalon) - A material similar to EPDM, but with greater resistance to oxidising chemicals, heat and abrasion.
  • PTFE (Teflon) - Has high temperature resistance and is resistant to almost all liquids.

However, for applications that require more "exotic" solutions, you also have silicone or FEP seals available.  These are suitable, for example, for transporting food or chemicals.


Camlock couplings are designed to be leak-proof.  However, there is no guarantee that they will actually be leak-proof in all scenarios. There are a number of factors that you need to take into account during installation for the couplings to work effectively. It is mainly about pressure, temperature, manufacturing material and torque.

Know, however, that when you connect everything correctly and follow the manufacturer's recommendations, Camlock couplings will be leak-proof due to their design. Their male plug and female socket ensure a fast and leak-proof connection. What's more, you don't need tools to install Camlock couplings.

Photo of Bartosz Kułakowski - CEO of Hosetech sp. z o. o.

Articles author

Bartosz Kułakowski

CEO of Hosetech Sp. z o.o.

Bartosz Kulakowski is an industrial hoses and couplings specialist with over 10 years of experience. Bartosz has been present in the technical industry since 2013. He gained experience as a technical and commercial advisor in the sector of plastic conveyor belts, steel structures, industrial hoses, and connectors. Since 2016, he has specialized exclusively in hoses and connectors. In 2019 he opened his own business under the HOSETECH Bartosz Kulakowski brand and since July 2022 he has been the CEO of the capital company HOSETECH Sp z o. o. (LLC).

Table of Contents

Do Camlock couplings leak?

Which causes of leaks in Camlock couplings?

Pressure too high

Temperature too high

Wrong material

Exceeding the maximum torque

How to seal Camlock couplings?

How to prevent leaks at Camlock couplings?

From what materials are Camlock coupling seals made?

