Pressure units converter - Pressure units table

What is pressure?
Pressure is defined as a scalar quantity that describes the force acting perpendicularly on a given surface, divided by the area on which the force acts. Mathematically, pressure can be expressed with the formula:
p = Fn / S, where:
- p is the pressure in pascals (Pa),
- Fn is the force acting perpendicularly to the surface in newtons (N),
- S is the area on which the force acts, expressed in square meters (m²).
In the case of gases at rest, pressure depends on factors such as the volume, mass, and temperature of the gas, as well as the force exerted by the gas on the walls of its container.
Pressure is also very important for industrial hoses and hose fittings. Working pressure is one of the key parameters that is taken into account when selecting industrial installation components.
The appropriate working pressure of industrial hoses is required for the industrial installation to be safe. Incorrect selection of the working pressure of industrial hose fittings can lead to damage to other elements of the industrial installation.
What are the pressure units?
The main pressure units are:
- bar,
- pascal (Pa),
- hectopascal (hPa),
- kilopascal (kPa),
- megapascal (MPa),
- atmosphere (atm),
- PSI,
- millimetre water column (mmH2O),
- inch of water column (inH2O),
- torr (Tr, torr),
- millimetre of mercury (mmHg),
- inch of mercury column (inHg),
- PSF,
- technical atmosphere (at).
Check out our articles about each of the pressure units.
Conversion of pressure units
Unit | bar | Pa | hPa | kPa | MPa | atm | PSI | mmH2O | inH2O | torr | mmHg | inHg | PSF | at |
1 bar | 1 | 100000 | 1000 | 100 | 0,1 | 0,986923 | 14,5038 | 10197,1621 | 401,463 | 750,062 | 750,062 | 29,53 | 2088,54 | 1,01972 |
1 Pa | 0,00001 | 1 | 0,01 | 0,001 | 0,000001 | 0,000009869232667160129 | 0,000145038 | 0,101971621 | 0,00401865 | 0,00750062 | 0,00750062 | 0,0002953 | 0,0208855 | 0,0000101972 |
1 hPa | 0,001 | 100 | 1 | 0,1 | 0,0001 | 0,000986923 | 0,0145038 | 10,1971621 | 0,401463 | 0,750062 | 0,750062 | 0,02953 | 2,08854 | 0,00101972 |
1 kPa | 0,01 | 1000 | 10 | 1 | 0,001 | 0,00986923 | 0,145038 | 101,971621 | 4,01865 | 7,50062 | 7,50062 | 0,2953 | 20,8855 | 0,0101972 |
1 MPa | 10 | 1000000 | 10000 | 1000 | 1 | 9,86923 | 145,04 | 101971,621 | 4018,65 | 7500,62 | 7500,62 | 295,3 | 20885,5 | 10,1972 |
1 atm | 1,01325 | 101325 | 1013,25 | 101,325 | 0,101325 | 1 | 14,6959 | 10332,274 | 406,782 | 760 | 760 | 29,9213 | 2116,22 | 1,03323 |
1 PSI | 0,06895 | 6894,76 | 68,9476 | 6,89476 | 0,00689476 | 0,068046 | 1 | 703,069 | 27,6799 | 51,7149 | 51,7149 | 2,03602 | 144 | 0,070307 |
1 mmH2O | 0,0001 | 9,80665 | 0,0980665 | 0,00980665 | 0,00000980665 | 0,000096784 | 0,00142233 | 1 | 0,0393701 | 0,0735559 | 0,0735559 | 0,0028959 | 0,204816 | 0,0001 |
1 inH2O | 0,00249082 | 249,082 | 2,49082 | 0,249082 | 0,000249082 | 0,0024583 | 0,0361263 | 25,4 | 1 | 1,86826 | 1,86826 | 0,0735559 | 5,20232 | 0,00254 |
1 torr | 0,00133322 | 133,322 | 1,33322 | 0,133322 | 0,000133322 | 0,00131579 | 0,0193368 | 13,5951 | 0,53524 | 1 | 1 | 0,0393701 | 2,7845 | 0,00135951 |
1 mmHg | 0,00133322 | 133,322 | 1,33322 | 0,133322 | 0,000133322 | 0,00131579 | 0,0193368 | 13,5951 | 0,53524 | 1 | 1 | 0,0393701 | 2,7845 | 0,00135951 |
1 inHg | 0,0334211 | 3386,39 | 33,8639 | 3,38639 | 0,00338639 | 0,0334211 | 0,491154 | 345,315 | 13,5951 | 25,4 | 25,4 | 1 | 70,307 | 0,034532 |
1 PSF | 0,000478803 | 47,8803 | 0,478803 | 0,0478803 | 0,0000478803 | 0,000472541 | 0,00694444 | 4,88243 | 0,192258 | 0,359131 | 0,359131 | 0,0141391 | 1 | 0,000472541 |
1 at | 0,980665 | 98066,5 | 980,665 | 98,0665 | 0,0980665 | 0,967841 | 14,2233 | 10000 | 393,701 | 735,559 | 735,559 | 28,9590 | 2048,16 | 1 |
Conversion of pressure units - text version
- 1 bar (bar) = 100 000 Pa = 1000 hPa = 100 kPa = 0,1 MPa = 0,986923 atm = 14,5038 PSI = 10 197,1621 mmH2O = 401,463 inH2O = 750,062 Tr = 750,062 mmHg = 29,53 inHg = 2088,54 PSF = 1,01972 at
- 1 pascal (Pa) = 0,00001 bar = 0,01 hPa = 0,001 kPa = 0,000001 MPa = 0,000009869232667160129 atm = 0,000145038 PSI = 0,101971621 mmH2O = 0,00401865 inH2O = 0,00750062 Tr = 0,00750062 mmHg = 0,0002953 inHg = 0,0208855 PSF = 0,0000101972 at
- 1 hektopascal (hPa) = 0,001 bar = 100 Pa = 0,1 kPa = 0,0001 MPa = 0,000986923 atm = 0,0145038 PSI = 10,1971621 mmH2O = 0,401463 inH2O = 0,750062 Tr = 0,750062 mmHg = 0,02953 inHg = 2,08854 PSF = 0,00101972 at
- 1 kilopascal (kPa) = 0,01 bar = 1000 Pa = 10 hPa = 0,001 MPa = 0,00986923 atm = 0,145038 PSI = 101,971621 mmH2O = 4,01865 inH2O = 7,50062 Tr = 7,50062 mmHg = 0,2953 inHg = 20,8855 PSF = 0,0101972 at
- 1 megapascal (MPa) = 10 bar = 1 000 000 Pa = 10 000 hPa = 1000 kPa = 9,86923 atm = 145,038 PSI = 101 971,621 mmH2O = 4018,65 inH2O = 7500,62 Tr = 7500,62 mmHg = 295,3 inHg = 20 885,5 PSF = 10,1972 at
- 1 atmosphere (atm) = 1,01325 bar = 101 325 Pa = 1013,25 hPa = 101,325 kPa = 0,101325 MPa = 14,6959 PSI = 10 332,274 mmH2O = 406,782 inH2O = 760 Tr = 760 mmHg = 29,9213 inHg = 2116,22 PSF = 1,03323 at
- 1 PSI = 0,0689476 bar = 6894,76 Pa = 68,9476 hPa = 6,89476 kPa = 0,00689476 MPa = 0,068046 atm = 703,069 mmH2O = 27,6799 inH2O = 51,7149 Tr = 51,7149 mmHg = 2,03602 inHg = 144 PSF = 0,070307 at
- 1 millimetre of water column (mmH2O) = 0,0001 bar = 9,80665 Pa = 0,0980665 hPa = 0,00980665 kPa = 0,00000980665 MPa = 0,000096784 atm = 0,00142233 PSI = 0,0393701 inH2O = 0,0735559 Tr = 0,0735559 mmHg = 0,0028959 inHg = 0,204816 PSF = 0,0001 at
- 1 inch of water column (inH2O) = 0,00249082 bar = 249,082 Pa = 2,49082 hPa = 0,249082 kPa = 0,000249082 MPa = 0,0024583 atm = 0,0361263 PSI = 25,4 mmH2O = 1,86826 Tr = 1,86826 mmHg = 0,0735559 inHg = 5,20232 PSF = 0,00254 at
- 1 torr (Tr) = 0,00133322 bar = 133,322 Pa = 1,33322 hPa = 0,133322 kPa = 0,000133322 MPa = 0,00131579 atm = 0,0193368 PSI = 13,5951 mmH2O = 0,53524 inH2O = 1 mmHg = 0,0393701 inHg = 2,7845 PSF = 0,00135951 at
- 1 millimetre of mercury column (mmHg) = 0,00133322 bar = 133,322 Pa = 1,33322 hPa = 0,133322 kPa = 0,000133322 MPa = 0,00131579 atm = 0,0193368 PSI = 13,5951 mmH2O = 0,53524 inH2O = 1 Tr = 0,0393701 inHg = 2,7845 PSF = 0,00135951 at
- 1 inch of mercury column (inHg) = 0,0334211 bar = 3386,39 Pa = 33,8639 hPa = 3,38639 kPa = 0,00338639 MPa = 0,0334211 atm = 0,491154 PSI = 345,315 mmH2O = 13,5951 inH2O = 25,4 mmHg = 25,4 Tr = 70,307 PSF = 0,034532 at
- 1 PSF = 0,000478803 bar = 47,8803 Pa = 0,478803 hPa = 0,0478803 kPa = 0,0000478803 MPa = 0,000472541 atm = 0,00694444 PSI = 4,88243 mmH2O = 0,192258 inH2O = 0,359131 Tr = 0,359131 mmHg = 0,0141391 inHg = 0,000472541 at
- 1 technical atmosphere (at) = 0,980665 bar = 98066,5 Pa = 980,665 hPa = 98,0665 kPa = 0,0980665 MPa = 0,967841 atm = 14,2233 PSI = 10 000 mmH2O = 393,701 inH2O = 735,559 Tr = 735,559 mmHg = 28,9590 inHg = 2048,16 PSF
In the field of technical and engineering sciences, pressure units play a key role in describing many phenomena. However, there are at least several measurement systems that (depending on the context and application) use different pressure units.
For example, in the international system (SI), the basic unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa). In the United States, the unit pounds per square inch (PSI) is commonly used.
That is why it is so important to be able to translate pressure units. It requires knowledge of conversions that allow for error-free comparison of measurement results made in different measurement systems.
What tools are used to measure pressure?
The following tools are used to measure pressure:
- manometer,
- barometer,
- sphygmomanometer,
- pressure transducer,
- depth gauge.
One of the most commonly used devices for measuring pressure is a manometer. A manometer is a device that measures the pressure of gases or liquids relative to atmospheric pressure. Manometers are used in many situations - from monitoring pressure in hydraulic systems to controlling gas pressure in industrial tanks. Manometers can be divided into several types - spring, differential or liquid. Each of them is used in different measurement conditions.
Barometers are used for very precise measurements to measure atmospheric pressure. Classic mercury barometers have been replaced in many cases by more modern electronic barometers, which offer greater accuracy and convenience of use.
Sphygmomanometers are used to measure blood pressure in medicine. The standard device consists of a cuff wrapped around the patient's arm and a measuring indicator. However, electronic sphygmomanometers are now increasingly used, which automate the measurement process, thus increasing accuracy and ease of use.
Pressure transducers are devices that convert the pressure value into an electrical signal that can be analyzed or controlled in automated systems. Pressure transducers are used in large-scale industry, especially in systems related to the transport and storage of gases or liquids under pressure.
Depth gauges convert the pressure exerted by the water column into information about the depth of immersion. Depth gauges are used in difficult conditions, such as underwater. Depth gauges are essential in ocean exploration or diving.
Each of these tools provides critical data, the precision and accuracy of which are crucial to the safety and efficiency of many operations, both in everyday and extreme working conditions.
How to measure pressure in industrial hoses?
To measure the pressure in industrial hoses you can use various tools - from traditional manometers and pressure testers, through wireless transducers and sensors, to advanced real-time monitoring systems.
The choice of method depends on the specifics of the installation, measurement accuracy requirements, as well as the availability of measurement points and monitoring systems.
It is worth adding here that the parameters of industrial hoses describe different types of pressures. Including:
- Working pressure - The maximum pressure at which the hose can safely operate under normal operating conditions.
- Test pressure - The pressure at which the hose is tested during production, usually higher than the working pressure.
- Burst pressure - The pressure at which the hose structure will be damaged/burst (usually 3 to 4 times higher than the working pressure).
Conversion table for pressure units
PSI | bar | Pa | hPa | kPa | MPa | atm | mmH2O | inH2O | torr | mmHg | inHg | PSF | at |
0,0145038 | 0,001 | 100 | 1 | 0,1 | 0,0001 | 0,0009869255748 | 10,19717216 | 0,4014637336 | 0,7500625666 | 0,7500625666 | 0,02953002688 | 2,0885472 | 0,001019718667 |
0,72519 | 0,05 | 5000 | 50 | 5 | 0,005 | 0,04934615 | 509,858105 | 20,09325 | 37,50312833 | 37,50312833 | 1,476501344 | 104,42736 | 0,05098593333 |
1,45038 | 0,1 | 10000 | 100 | 10 | 0,01 | 0,0986923 | 1019,71621 | 40,14637336 | 75,00625666 | 75,00625666 | 2,953002688 | 208,85472 | 0,1019718667 |
7,2519 | 0,5 | 50000 | 500 | 50 | 0,05 | 0,4934615 | 5098,58105 | 200,7318668 | 375,0312833 | 375,0312833 | 14,76501344 | 1044,2736 | 0,5098593333 |
8 | 0,5515808 | 55158,08 | 551,5808 | 55,15808 | 0,05515808 | 0,544368 | 5624,552 | 221,4392 | 413,7192 | 413,7192 | 16,28816 | 1152 | 0,562456 |
10 | 0,689476 | 68947,6 | 689,476 | 68,9476 | 0,0689476 | 0,68046 | 7030,69 | 276,799 | 517,149 | 517,149 | 20,3602 | 1440 | 0,70307 |
14,5038 | 1 | 100000 | 1000 | 100 | 0,1 | 0,986923 | 10197,1621 | 401,4637336 | 750,0625666 | 750,0625666 | 29,53002688 | 2088,5472 | 1,019718667 |
15 | 1,034214 | 103421,4 | 1034,214 | 103,4214 | 0,1034214 | 1,02069 | 10546,035 | 415,1985 | 775,7235 | 775,7235 | 30,5403 | 2160 | 1,054605 |
20 | 1,378952 | 137895,2 | 1378,952 | 137,8952 | 0,1378952 | 1,36092 | 14061,38 | 553,598 | 1034,298 | 1034,298 | 40,7204 | 2880 | 1,40614 |
25 | 1,72369 | 172369 | 1723,69 | 172,369 | 0,172369 | 1,70115 | 17576,725 | 691,9975 | 1292,8725 | 1292,8725 | 50,9005 | 3600 | 1,757675 |
29,0076 | 2 | 200000 | 2000 | 200 | 0,2 | 1,973846 | 20394,3242 | 802,9274672 | 1500,125133 | 1500,125133 | 59,06005375 | 4177,0944 | 2,039437333 |
30 | 2,068428 | 206842,8 | 2068,428 | 206,8428 | 0,2068428 | 2,04138 | 21092,07 | 830,397 | 1551,447 | 1551,447 | 61,0806 | 4320 | 2,10921 |
31,90836 | 2,2 | 220000 | 2200 | 220 | 0,22 | 2,1712306 | 22433,75662 | 883,220214 | 1650,137647 | 1650,137647 | 64,96605913 | 4594,80384 | 2,243381067 |
32 | 2,2063232 | 220632,32 | 2206,3232 | 220,63232 | 0,22063232 | 2,177472 | 22498,208 | 885,7568 | 1654,8768 | 1654,8768 | 65,15264 | 4608 | 2,249824 |
33 | 2,2752708 | 227527,08 | 2275,2708 | 227,52708 | 0,22752708 | 2,245518 | 23201,277 | 913,4367 | 1706,5917 | 1706,5917 | 67,18866 | 4752 | 2,320131 |
33,35874 | 2,3 | 230000 | 2300 | 230 | 0,23 | 2,2699229 | 23453,47283 | 923,3665873 | 1725,143903 | 1725,143903 | 67,91906181 | 4803,65856 | 2,345352933 |
34 | 2,3442184 | 234421,84 | 2344,2184 | 234,42184 | 0,23442184 | 2,313564 | 23904,346 | 941,1166 | 1758,3066 | 1758,3066 | 69,22468 | 4896 | 2,390438 |
35 | 2,413166 | 241316,6 | 2413,166 | 241,3166 | 0,2413166 | 2,38161 | 24607,415 | 968,7965 | 1810,0215 | 1810,0215 | 71,2607 | 5040 | 2,460745 |
36 | 2,4821136 | 248211,36 | 2482,1136 | 248,21136 | 0,24821136 | 2,449656 | 25310,484 | 996,4764 | 1861,7364 | 1861,7364 | 73,29672 | 5184 | 2,531052 |
36,2595 | 2,5 | 250000 | 2500 | 250 | 0,25 | 2,4673075 | 25492,90525 | 1003,659334 | 1875,156417 | 1875,156417 | 73,82506719 | 5221,368 | 2,549296667 |
38 | 2,6200088 | 262000,88 | 2620,0088 | 262,00088 | 0,26200088 | 2,585748 | 26716,622 | 1051,8362 | 1965,1662 | 1965,1662 | 77,36876 | 5472 | 2,671666 |
39 | 2,6889564 | 268895,64 | 2688,9564 | 268,89564 | 0,26889564 | 2,653794 | 27419,691 | 1079,5161 | 2016,8811 | 2016,8811 | 79,40478 | 5616 | 2,741973 |
40 | 2,757904 | 275790,4 | 2757,904 | 275,7904 | 0,2757904 | 2,72184 | 28122,76 | 1107,196 | 2068,596 | 2068,596 | 81,4408 | 5760 | 2,81228 |
40,61064 | 2,8 | 280000 | 2800 | 280 | 0,28 | 2,7633844 | 28552,05388 | 1124,098454 | 2100,175187 | 2100,175187 | 82,68407525 | 5847,93216 | 2,855212266 |
43,5114 | 3 | 300000 | 3000 | 300 | 0,3 | 2,960769 | 30591,4863 | 1204,391201 | 2250,1877 | 2250,1877 | 88,59008063 | 6265,6416 | 3,059156 |
44 | 3,0336944 | 303369,44 | 3033,6944 | 303,36944 | 0,30336944 | 2,994024 | 30935,036 | 1217,9156 | 2275,4556 | 2275,4556 | 89,58488 | 6336 | 3,093508 |
45 | 3,102642 | 310264,2 | 3102,642 | 310,2642 | 0,3102642 | 3,06207 | 31638,105 | 1245,5955 | 2327,1705 | 2327,1705 | 91,6209 | 6480 | 3,163815 |
50 | 3,44738 | 344738 | 3447,38 | 344,738 | 0,344738 | 3,4023 | 35153,45 | 1383,995 | 2585,745 | 2585,745 | 101,801 | 7200 | 3,51535 |
50,7633 | 3,5 | 350000 | 3500 | 350 | 0,35 | 3,4542305 | 35690,06735 | 1405,123068 | 2625,218983 | 2625,218983 | 103,3550941 | 7309,9152 | 3,569015333 |
51 | 3,5163276 | 351632,76 | 3516,3276 | 351,63276 | 0,35163276 | 3,470346 | 35856,519 | 1411,6749 | 2637,4599 | 2637,4599 | 103,83702 | 7344 | 3,585657 |
55 | 3,792118 | 379211,8 | 3792,118 | 379,2118 | 0,3792118 | 3,74253 | 38668,795 | 1522,3945 | 2844,3195 | 2844,3195 | 111,9811 | 7920 | 3,866885 |
60 | 4,136856 | 413685,6 | 4136,856 | 413,6856 | 0,4136856 | 4,08276 | 42184,14 | 1660,794 | 3102,894 | 3102,894 | 122,1612 | 8640 | 4,21842 |
60,91596 | 4,2 | 420000 | 420 | 420 | 0,42 | 4,1450766 | 42828,08082 | 1686,147681 | 3150,26278 | 3150,26278 | 124,0261129 | 8771,89824 | 4,2828184 |
65 | 4,481594 | 448159,4 | 4481,594 | 448,1594 | 0,4481594 | 4,42299 | 45699,485 | 1799,1935 | 3361,4685 | 3361,4685 | 132,3413 | 9360 | 4,569955 |
69 | 4,7573844 | 475738,44 | 4757,3844 | 475,73844 | 0,47573844 | 4,695174 | 48511,761 | 1909,9131 | 3568,3281 | 3568,3281 | 140,48538 | 9936 | 4,851183 |
70 | 4,826332 | 482633,2 | 4826,332 | 482,6332 | 0,4826332 | 4,76322 | 49214,83 | 1937,593 | 3620,043 | 3620,043 | 142,5214 | 10080 | 4,92149 |
72,519 | 5 | 500000 | 5000 | 500 | 0,5 | 4,934615 | 50985,8105 | 2007,318668 | 3750,312833 | 3750,312833 | 147,6501344 | 10442,736 | 5,098593333 |
75 | 5,17107 | 517107 | 5171,07 | 517,107 | 0,517107 | 5,10345 | 52730,175 | 2075,9925 | 3878,6175 | 3878,6175 | 152,7015 | 10800 | 5,273025 |
80 | 5,515808 | 551580,8 | 5515,808 | 551,5808 | 0,5515808 | 5,44368 | 56245,52 | 2214,392 | 4137,192 | 4137,192 | 162,8816 | 11520 | 5,62456 |
87,0228 | 6 | 600000 | 6000 | 600 | 0,6 | 5,921538 | 61182,9726 | 2408,782402 | 4500,3754 | 4500,3754 | 177,1801613 | 12531,2832 | 6,118312 |
90 | 6,205284 | 620528,4 | 6205,284 | 620,5284 | 0,6205284 | 6,12414 | 63276,21 | 2491,191 | 4654,341 | 4654,341 | 183,2418 | 12960 | 6,32763 |
94 | 6,4810744 | 648107,44 | 6481,0744 | 648,10744 | 0,64810744 | 6,396324 | 66088,486 | 2601,9106 | 4861,2006 | 4861,2006 | 191,38588 | 13536 | 6,608858 |
100 | 6,89476 | 689476 | 6894,76 | 689,476 | 0,689476 | 6,8046 | 70306,9 | 2767,99 | 5171,49 | 5171,49 | 203,602 | 14400 | 7,0307 |
110 | 7,584236 | 758423,6 | 7584,236 | 758,4236 | 0,7584236 | 7,48506 | 77337,59 | 3044,789 | 5688,639 | 5688,639 | 223,9622 | 15840 | 7,73377 |
115 | 7,928974 | 792897,4 | 7928,974 | 792,8974 | 0,7928974 | 7,82529 | 80852,935 | 3183,1885 | 5947,2135 | 5947,2135 | 234,1423 | 16560 | 8,085305 |
120 | 8,273712 | 827371,2 | 8273,712 | 827,3712 | 0,8273712 | 8,16552 | 84368,28 | 3321,588 | 6205,788 | 6205,788 | 244,3224 | 17280 | 8,43684 |
125 | 8,61845 | 861845 | 8618,45 | 861,845 | 0,861845 | 8,50575 | 87883,625 | 3459,9875 | 6464,3625 | 6464,3625 | 254,5025 | 18000 | 8,788375 |
145,038 | 10 | 1000000 | 10000 | 1000 | 1 | 9,869255748 | 101971,7216 | 4014,637336 | 7500,625666 | 7500,625666 | 295,3002688 | 20885,472 | 10,19718667 |
150 | 10,34214 | 1034214 | 10342,14 | 1034,214 | 1,034214 | 10,2069 | 105460,35 | 4151,985 | 7757,235 | 7757,235 | 305,403 | 21600 | 10,54605 |
160 | 11,031616 | 1103161,6 | 11031,616 | 1103,1616 | 1,1031616 | 10,88736 | 112491,04 | 4428,784 | 8274,384 | 8274,384 | 325,7632 | 23040 | 11,24912 |
200 | 13,78952 | 1378952 | 13789,52 | 1378,952 | 1,378952 | 13,6092 | 140613,8 | 5535,98 | 10342,98 | 10342,98 | 407,204 | 28800 | 14,0614 |
300 | 20,68428 | 2068428 | 20684,28 | 2068,428 | 2,068428 | 20,4138 | 210920,7 | 8303,97 | 15514,47 | 15514,47 | 610,806 | 43200 | 21,0921 |
400 | 27,57904 | 2757904 | 27579,04 | 2757,904 | 2,757904 | 27,2184 | 281227,6 | 11071,96 | 20685,96 | 20685,96 | 814,408 | 57600 | 28,1228 |
500 | 34,4738 | 3447380 | 34473,8 | 3447,38 | 3,44738 | 34,023 | 351534,5 | 13839,95 | 25857,45 | 25857,45 | 1018,01 | 72000 | 35,1535 |
600 | 41,36856 | 4136856 | 41368,56 | 4136,856 | 4,136856 | 40,8276 | 421841,4 | 16607,94 | 31028,94 | 31028,94 | 1221,612 | 86400 | 42,1842 |
700 | 48,26332 | 4826332 | 48263,32 | 4826,332 | 4,826332 | 47,6322 | 492148,3 | 19375,93 | 36200,43 | 36200,43 | 1425,214 | 100800 | 49,2149 |
800 | 55,15808 | 5515808 | 55158,08 | 5515,808 | 5,515808 | 54,4368 | 562455,2 | 22143,92 | 41371,92 | 41371,92 | 1628,816 | 115200 | 56,2456 |
900 | 62,05284 | 6205284 | 62052,84 | 6205,284 | 6,205284 | 61,2414 | 632762,1 | 24911,91 | 46543,41 | 46543,41 | 1832,418 | 129600 | 63,2763 |
1000 | 68,9476 | 6894760 | 68947,6 | 6894,76 | 6,89476 | 68,046 | 703069 | 27679,9 | 51714,9 | 51714,9 | 2036,02 | 144000 | 70,307 |
1100 | 75,84236 | 7584236 | 75842,36 | 7584,236 | 7,584236 | 74,8506 | 773375,9 | 30447,89 | 56886,39 | 56886,39 | 2239,622 | 158400 | 77,3377 |
1200 | 82,73712 | 8273712 | 82737,12 | 8273,712 | 8,273712 | 81,6552 | 843682,8 | 33215,88 | 62057,88 | 62057,88 | 2443,224 | 172800 | 84,3684 |
1300 | 89,63188 | 8963188 | 89631,88 | 8963,188 | 8,963188 | 88,4598 | 913989,7 | 35983,87 | 67229,37 | 67229,37 | 2646,826 | 187200 | 91,3991 |
1400 | 96,52664 | 9652664 | 96526,64 | 9652,664 | 9,652664 | 95,2644 | 984296,6 | 38751,86 | 72400,86 | 72400,86 | 2850,428 | 201600 | 98,4298 |
1450,38 | 100 | 10000000 | 100000 | 10000 | 10 | 98,69255748 | 1019717,216 | 40146,37336 | 75006,25666 | 75006,25666 | 2953,002688 | 208854,72 | 101,9718667 |
1500 | 103,4214 | 10342140 | 103421,4 | 10342,14 | 10,34214 | 102,069 | 1054603,5 | 41519,85 | 77572,35 | 77572,35 | 3054,03 | 216000 | 105,4605 |
1600 | 110,31616 | 11031616 | 110316,16 | 11031,616 | 11,031616 | 108,8736 | 1124910,4 | 44287,84 | 82743,84 | 82743,84 | 3257,632 | 230400 | 112,4912 |
1700 | 117,21092 | 11721092 | 117210,92 | 11721,092 | 11,721092 | 115,6782 | 1195217,3 | 47055,83 | 87915,33 | 87915,33 | 3461,234 | 244800 | 119,5219 |
1800 | 124,10568 | 12410568 | 124105,68 | 12410,568 | 12,410568 | 122,4828 | 1265524,2 | 49823,82 | 93086,82 | 93086,82 | 3664,836 | 259200 | 126,5526 |
1900 | 131,00044 | 13100044 | 131000,44 | 13100,044 | 13,100044 | 129,2874 | 1335831,1 | 52591,81 | 98258,31 | 98258,31 | 3868,438 | 273600 | 133,5833 |
2000 | 137,8952 | 13789520 | 137895,2 | 13789,52 | 13,78952 | 136,092 | 1406138 | 55359,8 | 103429,8 | 103429,8 | 4072,04 | 288000 | 140,614 |
2100 | 144,78996 | 14478996 | 144789,96 | 14478,996 | 14,478996 | 142,8966 | 1476444,9 | 58127,79 | 108601,29 | 108601,29 | 4275,642 | 302400 | 147,6447 |
2200 | 151,68472 | 15168472 | 151684,72 | 15168,472 | 15,168472 | 149,7012 | 1546751,8 | 60895,78 | 113772,78 | 113772,78 | 4479,244 | 316800 | 154,6754 |
2300 | 158,57948 | 15857948 | 158579,48 | 15857,948 | 15,857948 | 156,5058 | 1617058,7 | 63663,77 | 118944,27 | 118944,27 | 4682,846 | 331200 | 161,7061 |
2400 | 165,47424 | 16547424 | 165474,24 | 16547,424 | 16,547424 | 163,3104 | 1687365,6 | 66431,76 | 124115,76 | 124115,76 | 4886,448 | 345600 | 168,7368 |
2500 | 172,369 | 17236900 | 172369 | 17236,9 | 17,2369 | 170,115 | 1757672,5 | 69199,75 | 129287,25 | 129287,25 | 5090,05 | 360000 | 175,7675 |
2600 | 179,26376 | 17926376 | 179263,76 | 17926,376 | 17,926376 | 176,9196 | 1827979,4 | 71967,74 | 134458,74 | 134458,74 | 5293,652 | 374400 | 182,7982 |
2700 | 186,15852 | 18615852 | 186158,52 | 18615,852 | 18,615852 | 183,7242 | 1898286,3 | 74735,73 | 139630,23 | 139630,23 | 5497,254 | 388800 | 189,8289 |
2800 | 193,05328 | 19305328 | 193053,28 | 19305,328 | 19,305328 | 190,5288 | 1968593,2 | 77503,72 | 144801,72 | 144801,72 | 5700,856 | 403200 | 196,8596 |
2900 | 199,94804 | 19994804 | 199948,04 | 19994,804 | 19,994804 | 197,3334 | 2038900,1 | 80271,71 | 149973,21 | 149973,21 | 5904,458 | 417600 | 203,8903 |
2900,76 | 200 | 20000000 | 200000 | 20000 | 20 | 197,385115 | 2039434,432 | 80292,74672 | 150012,5133 | 150012,5133 | 5906,005375 | 417709,44 | 203,9437333 |
3000 | 206,8428 | 20684280 | 206842,8 | 20684,28 | 20,68428 | 204,138 | 2109207 | 83039,7 | 155144,7 | 155144,7 | 6108,06 | 432000 | 210,921 |
3100 | 213,73756 | 21373756 | 213737,56 | 21373,756 | 21,373756 | 210,9426 | 2179513,9 | 85807,69 | 160316,19 | 160316,19 | 6311,662 | 446400 | 217,9517 |
3200 | 220,63232 | 22063232 | 220632,32 | 22063,232 | 22,063232 | 217,7472 | 2249820,8 | 88575,68 | 165487,68 | 165487,68 | 6515,264 | 460800 | 224,9824 |
3300 | 227,52708 | 22752708 | 227527,08 | 22752,708 | 22,752708 | 224,5518 | 2320127,7 | 91343,67 | 170659,17 | 170659,17 | 6718,866 | 475200 | 232,0131 |
3400 | 234,42184 | 23442184 | 234421,84 | 23442,184 | 23,442184 | 231,3564 | 2390434,6 | 94111,66 | 175830,66 | 175830,66 | 6922,468 | 489600 | 239,0438 |
3500 | 241,3166 | 24131660 | 241316,6 | 24131,66 | 24,13166 | 238,161 | 2460741,5 | 96879,65 | 181002,15 | 181002,15 | 7126,07 | 504000 | 246,0745 |
3600 | 248,21136 | 24821136 | 248211,36 | 24821,136 | 24,821136 | 244,9656 | 2531048,4 | 99647,64 | 186173,64 | 186173,64 | 7329,672 | 518400 | 253,1052 |
3700 | 255,10612 | 25510612 | 255106,12 | 25510,612 | 25,510612 | 251,7702 | 2601355,3 | 102415,63 | 191345,13 | 191345,13 | 7533,274 | 532800 | 260,1359 |
3800 | 262,00088 | 26200088 | 262000,88 | 26200,088 | 26,200088 | 258,5748 | 2671662,2 | 105183,62 | 196516,62 | 196516,62 | 7736,876 | 547200 | 267,1666 |
3900 | 268,89564 | 26889564 | 268895,64 | 26889,564 | 26,889564 | 265,3794 | 2741969,1 | 107951,61 | 201688,11 | 201688,11 | 7940,478 | 561600 | 274,1973 |
4000 | 275,7904 | 27579040 | 275790,4 | 27579,04 | 27,57904 | 272,184 | 2812276 | 110719,6 | 206859,6 | 206859,6 | 8144,08 | 576000 | 281,228 |
4100 | 282,68516 | 28268516 | 282685,16 | 28268,516 | 28,268516 | 278,9886 | 2882582,9 | 113487,59 | 212031,09 | 212031,09 | 8347,682 | 590400 | 288,2587 |
4200 | 289,57992 | 28957992 | 289579,92 | 28957,992 | 28,957992 | 285,7932 | 2952889,8 | 116255,58 | 217202,58 | 217202,58 | 8551,284 | 604800 | 295,2894 |
4300 | 296,47468 | 29647468 | 296474,68 | 29647,468 | 29,647468 | 292,5978 | 3023196,7 | 119023,57 | 222374,07 | 222374,07 | 8754,886 | 619200 | 302,3201 |
4400 | 303,36944 | 30336944 | 303369,44 | 30336,944 | 30,336944 | 299,4024 | 3093503,6 | 121791,56 | 227545,56 | 227545,56 | 8958,488 | 633600 | 309,3508 |
4500 | 310,2642 | 31026420 | 310264,2 | 31026,42 | 31,02642 | 306,207 | 3163810,5 | 124559,55 | 232717,05 | 232717,05 | 9162,09 | 648000 | 316,3815 |
4600 | 317,15896 | 31715896 | 317158,96 | 31715,896 | 31,715896 | 313,0116 | 3234117,4 | 127327,54 | 237888,54 | 237888,54 | 9365,692 | 662400 | 323,4122 |
4700 | 324,05372 | 32405372 | 324053,72 | 32405,372 | 32,405372 | 319,8162 | 3304424,3 | 130095,53 | 243060,03 | 243060,03 | 9569,294 | 676800 | 330,4429 |
4800 | 330,94848 | 33094848 | 330948,48 | 33094,848 | 33,094848 | 326,6208 | 3374731,2 | 132863,52 | 248231,52 | 248231,52 | 9772,896 | 691200 | 337,4736 |
4900 | 337,84324 | 33784324 | 337843,24 | 33784,324 | 33,784324 | 333,4254 | 3445038,1 | 135631,51 | 253403,01 | 253403,01 | 9976,498 | 705600 | 344,5043 |
5000 | 344,738 | 34473800 | 344738 | 34473,8 | 34,4738 | 340,23 | 3515345 | 138399,5 | 258574,5 | 258574,5 | 10180,1 | 720000 | 351,535 |
5100 | 351,63276 | 35163276 | 351632,76 | 35163,276 | 35,163276 | 347,0346 | 3585651,9 | 141167,49 | 263745,99 | 263745,99 | 10383,702 | 734400 | 358,5657 |
5200 | 358,52752 | 35852752 | 358527,52 | 35852,752 | 35,852752 | 353,8392 | 3655958,8 | 143935,48 | 268917,48 | 268917,48 | 10587,304 | 748800 | 365,5964 |
5300 | 365,42228 | 36542228 | 365422,28 | 36542,228 | 36,542228 | 360,6438 | 3726265,7 | 146703,47 | 274088,97 | 274088,97 | 10790,906 | 763200 | 372,6271 |
5400 | 372,31704 | 37231704 | 372317,04 | 37231,704 | 37,231704 | 367,4484 | 3796572,6 | 149471,46 | 279260,46 | 279260,46 | 10994,508 | 777600 | 379,6578 |
5500 | 379,2118 | 37921180 | 379211,8 | 37921,18 | 37,92118 | 374,253 | 3866879,5 | 152239,45 | 284431,95 | 284431,95 | 11198,11 | 792000 | 386,6885 |
5600 | 386,10656 | 38610656 | 386106,56 | 38610,656 | 38,610656 | 381,0576 | 3937186,4 | 155007,44 | 289603,44 | 289603,44 | 11401,712 | 806400 | 393,7192 |
5700 | 393,00132 | 39300132 | 393001,32 | 39300,132 | 39,300132 | 387,8622 | 4007493,3 | 157775,43 | 294774,93 | 294774,93 | 11605,314 | 820800 | 400,7499 |
5800 | 399,89608 | 39989608 | 399896,08 | 39989,608 | 39,989608 | 394,6668 | 4077800,2 | 160543,42 | 299946,42 | 299946,42 | 11808,916 | 835200 | 407,7806 |
5900 | 406,79084 | 40679084 | 406790,84 | 40679,084 | 40,679084 | 401,4714 | 4148107,1 | 163311,41 | 305117,91 | 305117,91 | 12012,518 | 849600 | 414,8113 |
6000 | 413,6856 | 41368560 | 413685,6 | 41368,56 | 41,36856 | 408,276 | 4218414 | 166079,4 | 310289,4 | 310289,4 | 12216,12 | 864000 | 421,842 |
6100 | 420,58036 | 42058036 | 420580,36 | 42058,036 | 42,058036 | 415,0806 | 4288720,9 | 168847,39 | 315460,89 | 315460,89 | 12419,722 | 878400 | 428,8727 |
6200 | 427,47512 | 42747512 | 427475,12 | 42747,512 | 42,747512 | 421,8852 | 4359027,8 | 171615,38 | 320632,38 | 320632,38 | 12623,324 | 892800 | 435,9034 |
6300 | 434,36988 | 43436988 | 434369,88 | 43436,988 | 43,436988 | 428,6898 | 4429334,7 | 174383,37 | 325803,87 | 325803,87 | 12826,926 | 907200 | 442,9341 |
6400 | 441,26464 | 44126464 | 441264,64 | 44126,464 | 44,126464 | 435,4944 | 4499641,6 | 177151,36 | 330975,36 | 330975,36 | 13030,528 | 921600 | 449,9648 |
6500 | 448,1594 | 44815940 | 448159,4 | 44815,94 | 44,81594 | 442,299 | 4569948,5 | 179919,35 | 336146,85 | 336146,85 | 13234,13 | 936000 | 456,9955 |
6600 | 455,05416 | 45505416 | 455054,16 | 45505,416 | 45,505416 | 449,1036 | 4640255,4 | 182687,34 | 341318,34 | 341318,34 | 13437,732 | 950400 | 464,0262 |
6700 | 461,94892 | 46194892 | 461948,92 | 46194,892 | 46,194892 | 455,9082 | 4710562,3 | 185455,33 | 346489,83 | 346489,83 | 13641,334 | 964800 | 471,0569 |
6800 | 468,84368 | 46884368 | 468843,68 | 46884,368 | 46,884368 | 462,7128 | 4780869,2 | 188223,32 | 351661,32 | 351661,32 | 13844,936 | 979200 | 478,0876 |
6900 | 475,73844 | 47573844 | 475738,44 | 47573,844 | 47,573844 | 469,5174 | 4851176,1 | 190991,31 | 356832,81 | 356832,81 | 14048,538 | 993600 | 485,1183 |
7000 | 482,6332 | 48263320 | 482633,2 | 48263,32 | 48,26332 | 476,322 | 4921483 | 193759,3 | 362004,3 | 362004,3 | 14252,14 | 1008000 | 492,149 |
7100 | 489,52796 | 48952796 | 489527,96 | 48952,796 | 48,952796 | 483,1266 | 4991789,9 | 196527,29 | 367175,79 | 367175,79 | 14455,742 | 1022400 | 499,1797 |
7200 | 496,42272 | 49642272 | 496422,72 | 49642,272 | 49,642272 | 489,9312 | 5062096,8 | 199295,28 | 372347,28 | 372347,28 | 14659,344 | 1036800 | 506,2104 |
7300 | 503,31748 | 50331748 | 503317,48 | 50331,748 | 50,331748 | 496,7358 | 5132403,7 | 202063,27 | 377518,77 | 377518,77 | 14862,946 | 1051200 | 513,2411 |
7400 | 510,21224 | 51021224 | 510212,24 | 51021,224 | 51,021224 | 503,5404 | 5202710,6 | 204831,26 | 382690,26 | 382690,26 | 15066,548 | 1065600 | 520,2718 |
7500 | 517,107 | 51710700 | 517107 | 51710,7 | 51,7107 | 510,345 | 5273017,5 | 207599,25 | 387861,75 | 387861,75 | 15270,15 | 1080000 | 527,3025 |
7600 | 524,00176 | 52400176 | 524001,76 | 52400,176 | 52,400176 | 517,1496 | 5343324,4 | 210367,24 | 393033,24 | 393033,24 | 15473,752 | 1094400 | 534,3332 |
7700 | 530,89652 | 53089652 | 530896,52 | 53089,652 | 53,089652 | 523,9542 | 5413631,3 | 213135,23 | 398204,73 | 398204,73 | 15677,354 | 1108800 | 541,3639 |
7800 | 537,79128 | 53779128 | 537791,28 | 53779,128 | 53,779128 | 530,7588 | 5483938,2 | 215903,22 | 403376,22 | 403376,22 | 15880,956 | 1123200 | 548,3946 |
7900 | 544,68604 | 54468604 | 544686,04 | 54468,604 | 54,468604 | 537,5634 | 5554245,1 | 218671,21 | 408547,71 | 408547,71 | 16084,558 | 1137600 | 555,4253 |
8000 | 551,5808 | 55158080 | 551580,8 | 55158,08 | 55,15808 | 544,368 | 5624552 | 221439,2 | 413719,2 | 413719,2 | 16288,16 | 1152000 | 562,456 |
8100 | 558,47556 | 55847556 | 558475,56 | 55847,556 | 55,847556 | 551,1726 | 5694858,9 | 224207,19 | 418890,69 | 418890,69 | 16491,762 | 1166400 | 569,4867 |
8200 | 565,37032 | 56537032 | 565370,32 | 56537,032 | 56,537032 | 557,9772 | 5765165,8 | 226975,18 | 424062,18 | 424062,18 | 16695,364 | 1180800 | 576,5174 |
8300 | 572,26508 | 57226508 | 572265,08 | 57226,508 | 57,226508 | 564,7818 | 5835472,7 | 229743,17 | 429233,67 | 429233,67 | 16898,966 | 1195200 | 583,5481 |
8400 | 579,15984 | 57915984 | 579159,84 | 57915,984 | 57,915984 | 571,5864 | 5905779,6 | 232511,16 | 434405,16 | 434405,16 | 17102,568 | 1209600 | 590,5788 |
8500 | 586,0546 | 58605460 | 586054,6 | 58605,46 | 58,60546 | 578,391 | 5976086,5 | 235279,15 | 439576,65 | 439576,65 | 17306,17 | 1224000 | 597,6095 |
8600 | 592,94936 | 59294936 | 592949,36 | 59294,936 | 59,294936 | 585,1956 | 6046393,4 | 238047,14 | 444748,14 | 444748,14 | 17509,772 | 1238400 | 604,6402 |
8700 | 599,84412 | 59984412 | 599844,12 | 59984,412 | 59,984412 | 592,0002 | 6116700,3 | 240815,13 | 449919,63 | 449919,63 | 17713,374 | 1252800 | 611,6709 |
8800 | 606,73888 | 60673888 | 606738,88 | 60673,888 | 60,673888 | 598,8048 | 6187007,2 | 243583,12 | 455091,12 | 455091,12 | 17916,976 | 1267200 | 618,7016 |
8900 | 613,63364 | 61363364 | 613633,64 | 61363,364 | 61,363364 | 605,6094 | 6257314,1 | 246351,11 | 460262,61 | 460262,61 | 18120,578 | 1281600 | 625,7323 |
9000 | 620,5284 | 62052840 | 620528,4 | 62052,84 | 62,05284 | 612,414 | 6327621 | 249119,1 | 465434,1 | 465434,1 | 18324,18 | 1296000 | 632,763 |
9100 | 627,42316 | 62742316 | 627423,16 | 62742,316 | 62,742316 | 619,2186 | 6397927,9 | 251887,09 | 470605,59 | 470605,59 | 18527,782 | 1310400 | 639,7937 |
9200 | 634,31792 | 63431792 | 634317,92 | 63431,792 | 63,431792 | 626,0232 | 6468234,8 | 254655,08 | 475777,08 | 475777,08 | 18731,384 | 1324800 | 646,8244 |
9300 | 641,21268 | 64121268 | 641212,68 | 64121,268 | 64,121268 | 632,8278 | 6538541,7 | 257423,07 | 480948,57 | 480948,57 | 18934,986 | 1339200 | 653,8551 |
9400 | 648,10744 | 64810744 | 648107,44 | 64810,744 | 64,810744 | 639,6324 | 6608848,6 | 260191,06 | 486120,06 | 486120,06 | 19138,588 | 1353600 | 660,8858 |
9500 | 655,0022 | 65500220 | 655002,2 | 65500,22 | 65,50022 | 646,437 | 6679155,5 | 262959,05 | 491291,55 | 491291,55 | 19342,19 | 1368000 | 667,9165 |
9600 | 661,89696 | 66189696 | 661896,96 | 66189,696 | 66,189696 | 653,2416 | 6749462,4 | 265727,04 | 496463,04 | 496463,04 | 19545,792 | 1382400 | 674,9472 |
9700 | 668,79172 | 66879172 | 668791,72 | 66879,172 | 66,879172 | 660,0462 | 6819769,3 | 268495,03 | 501634,53 | 501634,53 | 19749,394 | 1396800 | 681,9779 |
9800 | 675,68648 | 67568648 | 675686,48 | 67568,648 | 67,568648 | 666,8508 | 6890076,2 | 271263,02 | 506806,02 | 506806,02 | 19952,996 | 1411200 | 689,0086 |
9900 | 682,58124 | 68258124 | 682581,24 | 68258,124 | 68,258124 | 673,6554 | 6960383,1 | 274031,01 | 511977,51 | 511977,51 | 20156,598 | 1425600 | 696,0393 |
10000 | 689,476 | 68947600 | 689476 | 68947,6 | 68,9476 | 680,46 | 7030690 | 276799 | 517149 | 517149 | 20360,2 | 1440000 | 703,07 |
11000 | 758,4236 | 75842360 | 758423,6 | 75842,36 | 75,84236 | 748,506 | 7733759 | 304478,9 | 568863,9 | 568863,9 | 22396,22 | 1584000 | 773,377 |
12000 | 827,3712 | 82737120 | 827371,2 | 82737,12 | 82,73712 | 816,552 | 8436828 | 332158,8 | 620578,8 | 620578,8 | 24432,24 | 1728000 | 843,684 |
13000 | 896,3188 | 89631880 | 896318,8 | 89631,88 | 89,63188 | 884,598 | 9139897 | 359838,7 | 672293,7 | 672293,7 | 26468,26 | 1872000 | 913,991 |
14000 | 965,2664 | 96526640 | 965266,4 | 96526,64 | 96,52664 | 952,644 | 9842966 | 387518,6 | 724008,6 | 724008,6 | 28504,28 | 2016000 | 984,298 |
15000 | 1034,214 | 103421400 | 1034214 | 103421,4 | 103,4214 | 1020,69 | 10546035 | 415198,5 | 775723,5 | 775723,5 | 30540,3 | 2160000 | 1054,605 |

Articles author
Bartosz Kułakowski
CEO of Hosetech Sp. z o.o.
Bartosz Kulakowski is an industrial hoses and couplings specialist with over 10 years of experience. Bartosz has been present in the technical industry since 2013. He gained experience as a technical and commercial advisor in the sector of plastic conveyor belts, steel structures, industrial hoses, and connectors. Since 2016, he has specialized exclusively in hoses and connectors. In 2019 he opened his own business under the HOSETECH Bartosz Kulakowski brand and since July 2022 he has been the CEO of the capital company HOSETECH Sp z o. o. (LLC).
Table of Contents
What is pressure?
What are the pressure units?
Conversion of pressure units
Conversion of pressure units - text version
What tools are used to measure pressure?
How to measure pressure in industrial hoses?
Conversion table for pressure units
See also other categories